Want an airport named after you? It’s easy. In Finland

Dulles International Airport. John F. Kennedy International Airport. Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport.
It’s a big deal to have an airport named for you.
In Finland, though, anyone can have Helsinkin Airport named for them. At least for a few moments.
Finavia Corporation, which manages Finland’s airport network has created a way for anyone to have their name put on the front of the Helsinki Airport terminal buildl long enough to snap a selfie or two.
Here’s how to make it happen for you.
Go to www.myhelsinkiairport.fi, put your name in the form, and hit submit.
Your entry will be reviewed to make sure it’s not off-color or inappropriate. And then, depending on how many requests are in ahead of you, your name will appear over the Helsinki Airport sign on the front of the terminal.
We tested it out and filled out the form early morning Finland time from Seattle. Then we watched on the website as our name popped up on the airport sign within seconds.
Unfortunately, of course, we couldn’t get a selfie with our sign because were weren’t standing out in front of the airport in person. But we’re determined to get there so we can get that snap.
In the meatime, we’re declaring this Airport Amenity of the Week. Agree?

Holidays at Airports and in the Air
We’re gathering up news of holiday events and amenities being rolled out by airports and airlines.
Here are a few to round out the week.
Let us know what we’re missing at your airport.
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