Airport amenity of the week?
NYC-based JetBlue Airways has teamed up with MetroNaps to bring free napping pods to JetBlue’s Terminal 5 at John F. Kennedy International Airport.
Four MetroNaps Energy Pods were unveiled Tuesday and offer travelers complimentary 20-minute “JetNaps” on a first-come, first served basis.
MetroNaps says their pods offer “an ergonomically perfect, gravity-neutral position that optimizes circulation and encourages a reinvigorating, restful siesta” with visors for “serene seclusion” and soothing sounds piped in to block out noise.
There are even storage bins for tucking away carry-on bags and coats.
These are napping pods – not sleeping pods – so after the 20 complimentary minutes the pod will wake you up.
Not by shaking you and yelling “Hey, you – get outta’ here!” but by raising up out of a recline position and gently waking you with a combination of lights, music and vibration.
Just don’t let the bed bugs bite..
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