8,000 lost items up for auction at PIT Airport

Items left behind at Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) make their way to the lost and found, where they are held onto for 30 days.

And if no one claims the lost item, it’s a good bet it will show up in the Allegheny County Airport Authority’s (ACAA) annual auction, an event that’s been held annually since 2011.

This year’s auction is scheduled for Saturday, October 22 and there will be more than 8,000 items up for grabs. The rolling stock and cars can be bid for online, but for everything else, you’ll need to be there in person.

PIT officials say this year’s list features 300 pieces of electronics ranging from computers to Kindles, as well as musical instruments, including a Yamaha flute and a mandolin, Apple watches galore, and more than 350 bracelets, rings, and necklaces.

Over the past year, passengers also left behind sports helmets with GoPro cameras, a security surveillance system, a baker’s rolling pin and apron, flippers, and goggles. There’s a rice maker on the list, along with car seats, a Canon camera, an Alienware game system, and golf clubs.

On Saturday it will all be up for auction.

And it’s not just stuff. There will also be cars up for sale.

If the airport can’t find the owner of a car left too long at the airport, it becomes abandoned property and goes into the auction pool.

This year there are 11 cars in the pool, including a Sonata, two Honda Civics, and a Nissa Ultima.

Who gets the auction money?

Proceeds from the auction of left behind items go to the ACAA Charitable Foundation, which helps support PIT’s Art in the Airport program as well as aviation scholarships and workforce development. Last year, the auction raised more than $75,000 for the foundation.

For bidders, there will be a 15 percent buyer’s premium with 5 percent waived for cash or check purchases. Cash, checks, and credit cards will be accepted. Find details on the auction location and instructions for bidding here.

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