If we were traveling around this month, we’d certainly be spending a lot of time in airport gift shops buying Christmas chocolates and other treats.
Some of that chocolate would even make it home and into nicely-wrapped gift boxes.
Instead, we’re home and keeping an eye on what airports and airlines are doing to be festive and still keep us safe during an unusual travel season.
SFO Airport is charming us with lights, music, and dancing
We love the giant light switch in this holiday message from SFO and we’re ordering one installed in our home office.
We also love this ‘put your mask on’ music video starring and produced by some incredibly talented people who work at SFO airport.
SFO’s mask video is a good pairing with the safety dance video Alaska Airlines put together that we featured here yesterday. That video also stars in-house talent.
Wreath-decorating contest at O’Hare Airport

It looks like they had so much fun with the pumpkin decorating contest at Halloween that now 13 shops at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport are competing in a wreath-decorating contest.
The public is invited to weigh in on which is best.
Voting is open through December 25, 2020.

O’Hare Airport also has some great themed holiday trees.
More to come..

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