Showcase G20 is a new exhibition at Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) put together to show off the region’s art and culture to the many world leaders, interested attendees, news cameras, and protesters that converged on the city in September for the G-20 Summit, a meeting of leaders from countries around the world that together represent more than 85% of the world’s economy.
The meeting is over, but the art will stick around through the end of 2009.
The Pittsburgh-based Andy Warhol Museum is showing off some of the artist’s wallpapers, Self-Portrait and Cow, photographs of Warhol, and prints that include images of Queen Elizabeth II, Alexander the Great, Jimmy Carter, Italy’s Mt. Vesuvius, Cologne Cathedral in Germany, and more. Displays are in concourses C and D in the airside terminal.
The work of various Pittsburgh area artists, including Randi Snow, Donna Broderick, Keith Garubba, Tom Brunger, Megan Herwig, and others is featured in another exhibit,Urbanic 2: Catalyzing a Regional Economic Renaissance, put together by Mox Box Consulting. These works are on display on the south end of the ticketing level of the landside terminal.
(Randi Snow’s Flight of Imagination)
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