One of my mother’s favorite sayings was “It could happen.” Not an otherwise woo-woo person, she’d say that whenever the topic of aliens came up, wait a beat and then change the subject.
So she would have been very interested to read the story about aliens and airports that I wrote for my At the Airport column a while back.
And she would have been VERY interested in reading the post on the TSA Blog yesterday. The one about TSA Space Alien Detection Officers (ADOs).
According to Blogger Bob (a real person or an …alien?):
….New intelligence suggests that space aliens with invisibility cloaks have been going through our checkpoints for years. We know they’ve been observing flight operations at some of our busiest airports, but we had no idea they were coming in.
Yes, it was an April Fools’ Day joke. But you know what my mom would say. “It could happen.”