Global Greening

Airports, landmarks, attractions shine green for St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day will arrive on March 17, but some airports, attractions, hotels, bridges, castles, and iconic buildings are already shining green for Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening event.

The event began 11 years ago in Australia when the iconic opera house was illuminated in green on March 17, 2010. Now the list of participating Global Greening sites is incredibly long and includes returning classics such as the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Niagara Falls, Victoria Falls, the ‘Welcome’ sign in Las Vegas, the London Eye, the Sky Tower in Auckland, and the Prince’s Palace of Monaco.

Here are some of airports and other places we found that are already turning on the green lights. If you know of an other airports that will be joining in, let us know and we’ll add them. Take a look, too, at some of the green-lit landmarks in the St. Patrick’s Day video below narrated by Liam Neeson.