Traveling with holiday foods?
Each year, when Thanksgiving rolls around, the Transportation Security Administration team reminds travelers of the foods that are OK to put in your carry-on for the big meal. They also make a point of giving some examples of items you should put in your checked bag or let someone else contribute.
Fruit cake? Dry stuffing mix? Mini marshmallows? Pumpkin pie? Those are all fine to carry on, says TSA.
Canned pumpkin and yams? Cranberry sauce. Maple syrup? TSA says those belong in checked luggage or on the shopping list of someone who’s driving.

“Here’s some food for thought,” says TSA. “If it’s a solid item, then it can go through a checkpoint. However, if you can spill it, spread it, spray it, pump it or pour it, and it’s larger than 3.4 ounces, then it should go in a checked bag.”
Not sure if your food item is OK for carry-on? Check the TSA homepage, which has a helpful “What can I bring?” feature. Type in the item and find out if you can carry it through a checkpoint or if it should be checked. You can also tweet to @AskTSA to ask how best to travel with a specific food item.

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