I recently told you about an alternative form of sport and transportation: Outhouse Racing.
Here’s another somewhat different transportation tale: the Endanger Bus.
In San Francisco, Todd Gilens has wrapped four San Fransisco MUNI buses with images of regionally endangered flora and fauna for a rolling public art project – Endangered Species – that, in an intriguing, temporary and transit way, reintroduces these species and their habitats into the urban scene which has displaced them.
Look for Endanger Buses sporting salmon, mice, a butterflies and pelicans as they roll through town.
Here’s a note about the project from Todd Gilens:
This temporary art project is meant to help people notice parallels and conflicts between urban and natural systems, provoke questions about ownership and design of the physical environment, and provide moments of pleasure and surprise across the city.
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The endangered bus sounds like a great idea! I haven’t seen one just yet, but maybe the next time I am in the city I’ll just happen top meet one!