A new exhibit at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) is all about the history of the video game industry and includes some original video-game-related art and artifacts related to the Austin-based development of such video game classics as Wing Commander, The Black Gate and Thief: Deadly Shadows.
(Pen and ink concept art drawing by Denis Loubet for Ultima VI: the False Prophet; via Austin-Bergstrom International Airport)
In addition to sketches, storby boards and illustrations, the exhibit includes the paper punched tape used by Austinite Richard Garriott to record the video game code for one of his first games, Akalabeth.. There’s also a prototype cartridge of M.U.L.E.’s lost sequel, Son of M.U.L.E. and design documents from Warren Spector’s innovative classic Deus Ex.
Behind the Screens is from the collection of the University of Texas, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History and is on display through January 26, 2010. Look for the exhibit in the pylon showcases located on the concourse between Gates 7-12.
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