El Paso International Airport

At the Airport: ELP Birthday + 9/11 Memories

Gathering up some news from airports around the country.

Happy Birthday El Paso International Airport

Airports, organizations remember 9/11


Chocolate at IND Airport; Motivational Mirrors at ELP Airport; Merch at CVG

We can tell travel is inching back to ‘normal’ because airports are hosting fun events and encouraging travelers to stick around and engage.

Two great examples: Indianapolis International Airport (IND) welcomed the Sweets & Snacks Expo to town (yes, that’s a thing!) with an in-terminal chocolate sculpting demonstration.

And as part of its ongoing Elevate Love Project, El Paso International Airport (ELP) has motivational messages on restroom mirrors.

Chocolate sculpture at IND Airport

Indianapolis International Airport (IND) joined forces with Indy-based Endangered Species Chocolate to host a live chocolate sculpture carving by Chef Paul Joachim, known as the Chocolate Genius.

You can see the action in the video clip below.

Motivational Messages from ELP Airport

A Twitter message from El Paso International Airport (ELP) on National Selfie Day sparked our curiosity about the writing on the restroom mirror in the photo.

It turns out that is part of the airport’s Elevate Love Project, so named to fit with the airport’s call sign ELP.

“Our staff submitted their positivity and we placed them on the mirrors to boost the mood of anyone who sees them,” explains, ELP Education and Graphics Specialist Asa Aguilar. “We have had great responses from the public and many people have submitted to this initiative.”

Here are some samples of the messages and the selfies people have shared. Great idea!

We were also curious about the bird in the photo. And we are pleased to learn that this is Red T. Hawk, El Paso International Airport’s mascot and ambassador.

We think every airport should have a mascot and we’re pleased to add Red T. Hawk to our list.

Fresh Airport Merch at CVG

Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG) now has an online merch store. Our favorite item? The airport socks, of course. Bonus: 15% off.