Airports are still spending lots of time and energy reminding passengers to wear their masks, wash their hands, and observe social distancing protocols.
But we are pleased to see that airports are also getting back to the business of promoting (OK, showing off) some great, unusual, and much-appreciated amenities.
Here a few that popped up on Twitter just today:
*Free goodies, including historic postcards from Jacksonville International Airport (JAX):
*The return of lobster for sale at Canada’s Halifax Stanfield International Airport (YHZ);
*A two-fer from Sacramento International Airport (SMF) – a reminder of their “Flying Carpet” offering a birds-eye view of the area and their convenient CVS vending machine:
*And the news from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) that the Flight Path Museum will be reopening August 7.
Know of a great airport amenity we could be celebrating? Drop a note in the comments section and we’ll check it out.
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