Airports around the world are not very busy these days. And many movie theaters are closed.
So it is refreshing to see Vilnius Airport in Lithuania being creative and hosting a drive-in movie theater on the airport apron.
The ‘Aerocinema – The Journey Begins’ project is part of the Vilnius International Film Festival, which runs through the end of May.
The line-up for the drive-in movie series at the airport includes a dozen films. The first film shown: Parasite.

Tickets are being sold online only. There is room for 200 in the screening area where films are being projected on a screen that is about the size of a five-story building.
To hear the soundtrack, moviegoers just turn on their car radios.
For safety during this time of coronavirus, only two passengers are allowed in each car. (No hiding in the trunk or under a blanket).
All passengers must stay inside their vehicles during the screenings. And face masks are required for anyone who plans to roll down their windows.

To make the aerocinema work, “we had to remake the airport apron, which is a restricted area, into a space open to film lovers,” said Dainius Čiuplys, the head of Vilnius Airport.
“It is a nice opportunity to be a part of the whole process and at the same time to show that airports perfectly combine aviation activities with events and projects of various formats,” Čiuplys added, “I believe that after the drive-in cinema events, there will be even more lovers not only of good cinema but also of aviation,”
We think this is a great idea and declare it “Airport Amenity of the Month.”
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This is way cool This brings back memories. When we were newly married with young kids we went to the drive-in as a way of going out yet saving on baby sitting costs. Couldn
‘t do that here because of the limit to two people but it was great for us. First saw American Graffiti in a drive in. The perfect venue for that movie.