Alaska is one of the airlines offering travel waivers for passengers affected by winter weather this week, which means you may have to wait to try out the airlines’ newest perks:
Free use of iMessage, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger on Gogo-equipped flights.
The option is offered in a beta version right now and should be fully functional by January 24th, the airline promises.
Also free (through March 31, 2017): access – on your devices – to the all the entertainment offered to Alaska Airlines passengers during flight, including Hollywood movies and popular TV shows.
The airline’s new Premium Class service also debut this week on some routes, offering passengers who have purchased this perk extra legroom, early boarding, complimentary snacks and alcoholic beverages. About 40 percent of Alaska’s fleet has been retrofitted with the new premium class section seating so far and the airline promises that 90 of the fleet will offer this option by the end of 2017.
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