Are you a fan of the metal band Metallica?
Someone at Gibson Guitars is, and noticed that the band will be performing Thursday, November 4th, 2010 in a hangar at the Santa Monica Airport.
The show will be part of a launch party for a new video game called Call of Duty: Black Ops, made by the folks who make the popular Guitar Heroes game. The event will be a fundraiser for The Call of Duty Endowment, which helps soldiers transition to civilian life.
But don’t just rush on over. There are no concert tickets for sale, but fans of the band can check the Metallica website to find out about winning a pass.
In the meantime, Metallica has posted this warning:
The Santa Monica airport is a fully functioning airport and pretty damn serious about their security. We were asked to relay to you that anyone attempting to sneak on to the grounds of the airport will be subjected to the long arm of the law . . . including possible arrest. So as much as we would love to have all you all join us there, if you do not win a ticket, probably best to sit this one out . . .
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