Every Sunday at Stuck at the Airport is Souvenir Sunday, when we share some of the fun, often offbeat, “of that city” gifts that are for sale at airport shops for under $10.
This week, while researching a trip to Prague (anyone have any tips?) I was remembering my favorite airport souvenirs from the last time I visited – about 6 years ago. The lovely, hand carved pencils I bought in a post-security gift shop, were handed out as gifts to friends and co-workers.
The bottle of slivovice (plum liquor) we eventually poured out. No one in my house would drink it.
But I still have these wacky refrigerator magnets.
These, too, are hand carved. I found them and a dozen others in a small basket at a newsstand in the pre-security part of the terminal.
I bought them all; at what was probably just a few dollars each.
Most said “Praha” (Prague). But I’m still totally mystified by the magnet advertising the mental hospital. Is that a police car taking someone away? Does that sun and the smiling faces mean that the mental hospital is a great place to be? And why sell these at the airport?
It’s a long shot, I know, but I’m hoping there will be more of these when I go back to that airport.
This time, I’ll get the full story.
In the meantime: have you found a great souvenir at an airport? If it’s under $10 and “of that city”, send along a photo and a few notes about why you think that souvenir was worth buying, and it may show up here at Stuck at the Airport on a future Souvenir Sunday.
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