Goodbye, Kitty?
According to an article from Pacific Business News, EVA Air has announced that it will soon be phasing out its two official all-Hello Kitty jets.
“The jets feature the Sanrio Co.’s famous white cat with a big pink ribbon over one ear and a few of her other feline friends. EVA Air launched the first jet in October 2005 and the second in 2006. Passengers on the flights get the Hello Kitty experience from the time they board with luggage tags and boarding passes, to napkins, utensils, meals and decor. Flight attendants even wear pink aprons.”
One Hello Kitty Airbus 330-200 jet will be taken out of service in early December. The second jet will be taken out of service in March.
Want to catch the kitty? You’ll have to head to Asia, where the two jets are used on short trips, mostly between Taipei and various destinations in Japan.
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