Although most airlines now charge for in-flight snacks and meals, many airlines still serve complimentary soft drinks and water.
Sometimes Coke gets swapped for Pepsi, but in general the beverage offerings seem to stay the same. But starting April 1, 2008 both Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air will begin serving complimentary Jones Sodas.
The Seattle-based company is best known for a variety of sodas with wild colors and wacky names. Sadly, the deep dark Chocolate Fudge and bright yellow “Fun” sodas have been retired, but you can still find the Blue Bubblegum and FuFu flavors.
Alaska and Horizon will serve Jones’ tamer offerings: a cola, a lemon-lime soda, and a cream soda. There’s no mention of whether or not Jones’ popular Whoopass energy-drink will be added to the menu, but we are promised periodical new soda flavors.
So be sure to keep your eyes on the beverage carts, especially around the holidays. Seasonal Jones offerings have included Turkey and Gravy soda, Creepy Cranberry and Monster Mojito sodas, and a Christmas Ham soda.
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