Toy Airplane

Toy Airplanes at St. Louis Lambert Int’l Airport

Fans of toy airplanes will enjoy the Toys Take Flight exhibit on view through the end of March 2023 in the Lambert Gallery at St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL).

“Toy airplanes have been around longer than airplanes themselves,” the exhibit notes tell us. “The earliest model airplane, a glider powered by a rubber band, was created in 1871, 32 years before Orville and Wilbur Wright took their first flight. Through countless fads, innovations, and technological advances, toy airplanes have endured as a testament to humankind’s fascination with flight.”

Here are just a few of the toy airplanes on display at STL Airport.

Look for more toy airplanes on exhibit at St. Louis Lambert International Airport in the Lambert Gallery. It is located in Terminal 1 near Exit 11, close to the C Concourse Exit and is accessible to the public.