A bit off-color and a bit offbeat, but that’s what you get with Air New Zealand’s Rico.
Tidbits for travelers: Richard Simmons wants you to be fit to fly
Between following the antics of @BronxZoosCobra on Twitter and laughing at fitness guru Richard Simmons’ calorie-burning safety video for Air New Zealand, it’s been hard to get any work done.
See what I mean?
There’s even a ‘making of’ version of this one.
Watch the in-flight version once, maybe twice, and it’s fun and sort of adorable. But I can’t imagine having to sit through it over and over as a regular Air New Zealand passenger.
Unless, of course, that rascal Rico had made an appearance.
But seriously, wouldn’t it be great if everyone on an airplane had to stand up and do some synchronized stretching every once in a while?
Snoop Dogg and Air New Zealand’s Rico – together
I know Air New Zealand’s Rico videos are corny and put some people off.
But I can’t help it. I think Rico is dreamy.
Rico, Air New Zealand’s furry, sexy spokes-thing talks to Stuck at the Airport
Oh my… Rico, Air New Zealand’s furry, saucy, spokes-“thing” answers a few of my questions, including why he wasn’t on Air New Zealand’s matchmaking flight and what he does when he’s Stuck at The Airport.
Funny – and a little naughty…
Air New Zealand’s naughty puppet corrupting kids
Last week Air New Zealand came out with two very funny, but sort of naughty, videos featuring a fuzzy brown puppet name Rico.
Here’s the link to those earlier videos.
Now there’s a third: a nursery rhyme gone very wrong
Rico is on his way to the U.S. for a visit and I think I’ll have an opportunity to interview him. What would you ask him?