Beginning this Saturday, August 16th, you can leave your laptop in its travel case at the airport security checkpoint.
That will save you time. But it’s may cost you money.
That’s because you’re probably going to have to buy a new TSA-compliant, “checkpoint friendly” laptop case in order to take advantage of these new rules.
Many travelers probably won’t mind investing another $60 or $150 if it means they’ll save some time and perhaps prevent their $2,000 laptop from falling on the floor or getting lost, lifted or left behind at the checkpoint.
But when you go out shopping, keep this in mind: although the TSA has been working with and providing feedback to manufactures about what type of bags will work with the new system, the agency has not created any sort of official “seal of approval.”
So even though manufacturers are already making and marketing bags they believe meet the TSA’s guidelines, you may still be asked to take your laptop out of its case.
Here, though, is the TSA’s drawing of “checkpoint friendly” designs that might work.