The “Add your comment here” section of web articles and blog postings certainly has its pros and cons.
The comments I like best (of course) are those that praise my work. But far more valuable messages come from readers who add thoughtful responses, share related tidbits and who are kind when they point out I’ve made a typo or fractured a fact.
Perplexing – to say the least – are people who use the comments section to send me personal advice about my hairdo and to be unnecessarily mean about other people encountered while traveling. Overweight people on airplanes seem to be especially popular targets, but anytime I write about the TSA, venom really starts flowing
But I’m not sure how I feel about the first comment posted on my most recent “At the Airport” column on
The column is titled Top 10 attractions to visit on your way to the airport, and includes museums, gardens, parks, walking paths and other diversions near airports around the country.
The first comment? A reader’s list of what appears to be strip clubs near airports.
Visiting a strip club is not something I’d considered including in my list of suggestions and at first I was a bit offended. But I’m sure strips clubs near airports are where some business travelers spend their extra time before checking in for a flight.
So, should the title of my column be “Top 20 attractions to visit on your way to the airport? And did that reader compile a useful list?