What happens to worn towels that hotels get rid of?
It’s a good bet that most of them end up in landfills.
So it’s nice to hear of Hilton’s nationwide towel replacement program that not only keeps towels out of landfills but sends the old towels to good homes.
The hotel chain has partnered with Mars Petcare and Greater Good Charities for the program and will donate retired towels, bathmats, washcloths, and other terry products from their properties across the United States to local animal shelters.
Doing so will divert 140,00 pounds of towels – more than 106,000 towels – from landfills.
According to Hilton, over 1,200 hotels and over 500 shelters across the U.S. have signed up to participate in the program with more expected to come on board through the end of the year.
Good work!

Photo credit: top image: Australian War Memorial Collection via Flickr Commons.
Bottom image – courtesy National Science and Media Museum, also via Flickr Commons
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