A great airport amenity for kids (and short people)

We’re heading into another few weeks of record-breaking holiday travel and on our last few flights it seemed everyone was sick.

As the Centers for Disease Control – and your mother – will tell you, keeping your hands clean and washing them often with soap and clean, running water is one of the most important steps to take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.

But in some public restrooms, the height of the sinks presents a hand-washing challenge to kids and short people.

That’s why the Stuck at the Airport hygiene team is delighted every time we encounter one of the Step ‘n Wash self-retracting step stools in an airport restroom.

At last count, close to 100 airports around the country have installed these handy stools in some or all of their restrooms. So keep an eye out for them when you’re traveling this season.

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