It’s been a while since we took a look at the count of guns and other dangerous items travelers try to take through airport security checkpoints.
For the record, firearms, grenades and a long list of other dangerous – or dangerous-looking items – aren’t permitted airside in airports.
Yet each week passengers do show up at airport checkpoints with guns, live ammunition and other prohibited items in carry-on bags.
During the peak Thanksgiving holiday period, between November 18 and December 1, TSA officers found 153 firearms in carry-on bags.
Of those 153 firearms discovered, 127 were loaded. And 47 of those firearms had a round chambered.
In addition to firearms, TSA officers also found this novelty item at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport on November 25. Grenades and inert grenades, no matter how cute, are on the list of items to leave home.

These grenades also showed up recently at airport checkpoints.

In this picture:
An empty grenade discovered by TSA officers at Louisiana’s Monroe Regional Airport on December 1.
An empty grenade discovered during X-ray screening at Raleigh-Durham International Airport on November 24.
A novelty belt buckle grenade discovered at Louisville International Airport on November 28.
According to TSA, the most common reason travelers give when firearms and other dangerous items are discovered in their carry-ons is “Oops, I forgot that was in there.”
What happens to people who get caught with these items at the airport?
Some get fines up to $13,333. Some get arrested. And TSA Pre-check members run the risk of losing their status.
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