Airports around the country are rolling out their holiday decorations and entertainment. Here is a sampling. Let us know if you’ve got more to share.
At Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, the selfie-friendly Snoopy statue is ready for the holidays. Local groups, including Crochet Twin Cities, Machine Knitters Collaborative and the Textile Center in Minneapolis worked together on a special holiday sweater for Snoopy, complete with decorative, 3D characters and ornaments.
Miami International Airport is offering live music by local school groups December 14, 17, 18, 20 and 21 at 10:30 am in the Central Terminal Lobby.
San Francisco Intertnational Airport is holding regular drawings for cool gift giveaways. The prizes include a goodie bag filled with treats available at Napa Farms (drawing: December 13), a $300 Airport Butlet gift certificate for arrival or departure Services for up to 2 passengers( drawing December 20), a one-year CLEAR membership (drawing December 27) , a $200 Gift Card for parking at any SFO-opreated garage or lot (drawing January 3) and a GoPro HERO7 Black Camera (drawing January 10).
And, in honor of National Ugly Holiday Sweater Day, Alaska Airlines will be granting early boarding on December 21 to passenges who wear their holiday sweaters (ugly or not) to the airport. Festive holiday-themed boarding music and free holiday movies are playing all month to help get guests into the holiday spirit.
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