Curioius George

Airport freebies for Thanksgiving travelers

Getting ready for Thanksgiving travel?

Many airports will be hosting special events and handing out freebies this week.

Here are few to get you started.

On Wednesday (November 25th, 2009) at Boston’s Logan International Airport (BOS):

Curious George

  • Every 15 minutes, from 9 am until 6 pm, Curious George will be handing out candy and activity books at the new Papyrus card and stationary store located pre-security in Terminal C.
  • Between 6 am and 10 pm, over at the check-in lines for Terminal A, Microsoft will be distributing Bing Travel MasterCards worth $15 each. The cards can be used to defray bag check fees or to purchase items at airport concessions.
  • And in the cell phone waiting lot between 3 pm and 7 pm, Dunkin Donuts will have a sampling van offering hot chocolate, coffee or peppermint mocha lattes to folks waiting to pick up friends and relatives.

And through Thursday, November 26h, over at Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW), anyone parking on the long-term parking decks will receive a $5 gift certificate redeemable at any of the airport’s 120 concessions through Jan. 15, 2010.

There are lots more special offers and freebies to be found later this week.

More details tomorrow.