World’s Largest Egg

Tidbits for travelers: Please visit Washington State


I live in Washington, a budget-weary state that’s home to old growth forests, the Space Needle, Mount St. Helens and Mt. Rainier.


It’s also home to a bridge built just for squirrels, the World’s Largest Egg and a few hundred other roadside oddities.

So please plan a visit.


You might be getting a lot of these invitations before June 15th.  And it’s not just because Washingtonians are so proud of their state.


The Washington State tourism office – set to close at the end of June due to budget cuts – is entering the names of all “inviters” into a sweepstakes for some juicy prizes, including a year’s worth of in-state, unlimited travel for two, courtesy of Alaska/Horizon Airlines AND two tickets anywhere Alaska Airlines flies, which includes Canada, Mexico and Hawaii.


I took a look at the rules and it turns out you don’t even have to live in Washington State to enter. All you have to do is visit and send an electronic postcard to someone you think might like visiting Washington State.

And, really, who wouldn’t want to high-tail it over a state where folks turn their hedges into this: