PowerKiss Recharge stations.

Souvenir Sunday: wireless powerkiss

I’m a big fan of free Wi-Fi at airports. And with a three hour layover at Copenhagen International Airport recently, I was delighted to discover that free Wi-Fi had been rolled out there just that week.

Even before the arrival of free Wi-Fi, the Copenhagen Airport (CPH) was delivering something travelers crave for: power to charge gadgets.

And not just power. Wireless power.

CPH is one of a handful of airports where travelers can recharge gadgets wirelessly via the PowerKiss system.

Passengers who have a PowerKiss ring – or who borrow one from one of the cafes or restaurants at the airport – just need to plug it into their device and then place that device on a recharge spot attached to a table or other piece of furniture at the airport.

It’s a great idea. Let’s hope it spreads.