Two new exhibits at Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ) are all about toys.
Exploring the Toy Box and Boosting Business: Companies Team up with Toys includes dolls, games, trucks and even a few musical instruments from the 1940’s to today.
The toys are on loan from the Canadian Toy Collectors Society and most every toy on display was made in Canada.
Exploring the Toy Box is in the Malton Gallery, pre-security, above the Canada arrival hall, through July. The other exhibit, Boosting Business: Companies Team up with Toys is in the International Departures area of the airport through mid-May.
If you’re interested in seeing more toys, be sure to check out the Canadian Toy Collectors Society virtual museum.
The site has photos of toys made from tin, plastic, rubber and other materials – including this wood and tin Superskyliner by Noma Toys.