I checked in with Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport yesterday, asking after the status of some of the taxidermy animals I remember seeing on my last pass through.
Turns out the record-setting polar bear is not currently on display, but many othre specimens are still there.
Sharing some of my snaps from a while back. Not shown: a record-setting halibut and a big moose.
If you pass through, please share snaps of what you see.
And let us know how you feel about seeing taxidermy animals in airports…

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Thanks for your comment! Please share images of your critters .
I dn’t see anything wrong with it. Taxidermy and wildlife (dead or alive) are an integral part of life in Alaska. Here in Reno, Nev. we have a wide variety of taxidermy in our airport. Only once in the past three years have we received a even somewhat negative customer service comment about it. A gentleman was set to pass through and wanted to know where the taxidermy was located. He had a phobia and simply wanted to know how to avoid seeing it. Many more of our taxidermy pieces are praised by our passengers in our quarterly customer service surveys.