JetBlue’s new board game includes a flight

JetBlue is doing its bit to help make holiday get-togethers a bit more fun and rewarding by rolling out a limited edition travel-themed board game called Get Packing!

The Get Packing game goes on sale at on December 12 for $19.99 and the list of what’s in the box reads: 6 Packing Boards, 60 Packing Cards, 48 Wild Cards, 1 die, 1 rule book and 1 certificate for a JetBlue flight, making this a potentially great travel deal even if you don’t actually sit down and play the game.

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2 thoughts on “JetBlue’s new board game includes a flight

  1. I doesn’t officially go on sale until the 12th – so ‘not available’ till then, I suspect.

  2. Agnes says:

    Seems it’s already unavailable. Did they actually really sell this?

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