Photo of "BREATHING_WALL_LAX" by Monika Bravo, New York, NY. Photo Credit: Kelly Barrie, Panic Studio L.A.
As part of its $4.11 billion facelift, Los Angeles International Airport has finished See Change, a giant public art installation in the newly renovated Tom Bradley International Terminal that includes 17 site-specific media artworks – by 17 different artists – displayed on a 58-screen, a 90-foot linear video filmstrip suspended from the ceiling and a media wall with 25 video monitors.
The artists include: Monika Bravo (an image of her work is above), Patty Chang and Noah Klersfeld, Seoungho Cho, Felipe Dulzaides, Todd Gray and Joseph Santarromana, Kurt Hentsch- läger, Louis Hock, Hilja Keading, Ryan Lamb, Chip Lord, Megan McLarney, Esther Me- ra and John Reed, Paul Rowley and David Phillips, Steve Shoffner, Pascual Sisto, Scott Snibbe, and Caspar Stracke.
The artwork ranges from a video collage on the media wall to images moving across the filmstrip, including Ryan Lamb’s “Five-Dimensional Parade,” in which 8mm footage of the 1960 Rose Bowl Parade appears as a distorted and Chip Lord’s work “To & From LAX,” which combines footage and still images from airports around the world, organized to represent actual flight patterns in and out of LAX.
Take a look.
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