Every few years I do a review of the state of smoking lounges in airports.
The last one – for my “At the Airport” column on USATODAY.com – was back in 2009. Times – and rules about smoking in public places – change, so I’m planning to do another airport smoking survey soon.
It clearly remains a hot topic. Here’s an excerpt from a note Ramona Mccarty sent me recently after finding that 2009 column.
I am a smoker and have been for a long time, you are right when you said that rudeness is part of the problem trust that! DFW is one of the main airports I use and it is not smoker friendly, if I could get into Dallas another way I would where smoking is not considered a crime! only an addiction, an addiction that needs to be fed otherwise you get grumpy, mean people, who otherwise are not like that, but because they can’t support their addictions this is how WE turn out. I am going to try Dallas Love Field because they are smoker friendly without harming non-smokers, because that is not our intentions.
Our money for buying and flying is just as good as non smokers so wheres the beef?! we aren’t asking to blow smoke in peoples faces we are just asking for a right to feed our addiction, like people eating and diners, drinking coffee and cafes, alcoholics and bars, shopaholics and clothes stores, smokers and smoking designated areas, snap! Helllooo.
What do you think? Should more airports offer smoking lounges for passengers? Should cities that ban smoking in public places make exceptions for airports?
(Photo courtesy State Library of New South Wales, via Flickr Commons)
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