Airport art: Two new exhibits at LAX

If you find yourself with few minutes to spare at Los Angeles International Airport anytime soon, then head on over to the Baggage Claim level of Terminal 3 to spend a few minutes with two of the airport’s new art exhibits.


“CrissCross” is an 80-foot long wall painting installation by Mara Lonner and Kim Schoenstadt.  (I like how it covers that door)  The mural takes its inspiration from things found at LAX, such as the control towers, lights and a native plant called California Buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum).


“OutCast II” is by John Outterbridge, the Los Angeles artist and former Watts Towers Center Director, and City of Los Angeles COLA Fellow 2009, Castillo.

The piece uses hand-tied, multi-colored rags from the Garment District of Los Angeles, an area traditionally known for its sweatshops.

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