Every Sunday is Souvenir Sunday here at StuckatTheAirport.com, when we share photos of some of the fun, under $10, “of that city” souvenirs that can be found at airports.
This week: some fun stuff from Oregon’s Portland International Airport. This airport is ideal for shopping: many of the city’s best shops have branches out at the airport; stores must comply with the airport’s street pricing policy; and there’s no sales tax in Oregon.
A triple treat!
Here are just a few of the fun things I found at the Made in Oregon store on a recent layover on my way to Prague.
When I lived in Portland, The Hotlips folks made pizza. Great pizza. Since 2005, they’ve also been making soda with all sorts of fruits and berries, including blackberry, strawberry, boysenberry, pear, and raspberry.
Also at Made in Oregon: Moonstruck chocolates, Tillamook cheese (on sale: 25% off!)
And my favorite: tiny jars of ash leftover from the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.
Have you found a great souvenir at an airport? If you do, take a photo and send it along to us here at Stuck at the Airport.
You many find your souvenir featured on a future edition Souvenir Sunday,.
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Ah nice to see our hometown airport, I like the chocolate covered huckleberries at the Made in Oregon shop.