Ever had a vacation go really bad? Do it over!

Yesterday StuckatTheAirport.com told you about how you can win a pair of SEA airport carpet socks by sharing a memory of traveling to or from Seattle through the North Satellite gates at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport – just like Annie and Sam did in “Sleepless in Seattle.”
Today we’re sharing news about how to win a vacation do-over.
This contest is aimed at anyone who’s ever booked a vacation themselves (which is pretty much all of us) and had that adventure go wrong in some way (which is pretty much all of us at some time.)
Maybe you booked booked a flight that turned out to leave a 4:30 a.m. instead of 4:30 p.m. Or booked a non-refundable hotel room that turned out to be really icky.
Or much worse.
ASTA – the America Society of Travel Agents – wants to remind travelers that booking with a travel advisor can save some travel pain and is hosting a Vacation Do-Over contest.
One lucky entrant whose self-booked trip went awry will win the trip of their dreams, valued at up to $10,000, planed by of ASTA’s expert travel advisors.
To enter, fill out an online submission form by July 19 and then upload a video explaining why you’re worth. Follow Travelsense.org on Instagram or Facebook and share your Vacation Do-Over there.
The winner will be announced on or around August 1, 2019.
Good luck! And if you win, be sure to bring us a souvenir.