Travel Tidbits: Symphony at IND + “Creeper” at BNA

Art and music in an airport is always a great idea.  Here are two fresh offerings:

To help ease passengers into Spring Break travel, Indianapolis International Airport (IND) will be hosting a performance by a quintet from the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra on Monday afternoon, March 11 from  5:3o to 6:30 pm. The quintent will  perform Antonín Dvořák’s String Quintet in G Major and a selection of Chinese folksongs in the pre-security Civic Plaza.

And a large and very colorful temporary artwork has appeared in north ticketing lobby of Nashville International Airport (BNA). Created by Heather Deyling, “Creeper,” is made of large felt leaves.


 “Invasive plant species such as kudzu are referenced in the artwork, which grow and mutate to claim the space, much like vines that cover buildings and trees… The felt leaves are a physical manifestation of the takeover of space, forming an immersive environment of mysterious, colorful mutations.”


“Creeper” is one of the pieces in BNA’s current Flying Solo installation, which runs through September 3, 2013.