Arrow Spot

Souvenir Sunday at Lincoln Airport

Lincoln Airport Airplane

Arrow Sport on display at Lincoln Airport

Greetings from Nebraska’s Lincoln Airport, where this Arrow Sport – one of only six known to be in existence – hangs from the baggage claim ceiling.

The bag claim area of this small airport is also where I found this tractor from the collection of the Larsen Tractor Test & Power Museum on the University of Nebraska campus.

Lincoln Airport Tractor

There’s only one shop at Lincoln Airport, but I was delighted to find plenty of these corny souvenirs on the shelves:

Lincoln Airport stuffed corn cob doll

Lincoln airport microwave popcorn on the cob

Do you shop for souvenirs when you’re stuck at the airport? If you spot something that’s inexpensive, locally-themed and a bit offbeat, please snap a photo and send it along to us here at

If your souvenir is featured on Souvenir Sunday, you’ll receive a fun travel souvenir.