Over the strong objections of San Francisco International Airport (SFO), last week the Oakland Board of Port Commissioners went ahead and unanimously voted to change the name of “Metropolitan Oakland International Airport” to “San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport.”

The airport’s three-letter code (OAK) and its logo are not changing. But if you go to the airport’s website, you’ll see that the name has already been changed pretty much everywhere else.
Now lawsuits are flying between OAK and SFO

When OAK floated its name name change idea, the city San Francisco and San Francisco International Airport (SFO) weren’t happy.
So unhappy that the city of San Francisco filed a lawsuit claiming that, among other things, OAK airport was infringing on its trademark.
But OAK is firing back with a lawsuit of its own. OAK airport is asking a judge to rule that the airport’s new name does not infringe on the trademark of SFO, which is across the bay.
In April, San Francisco sued Oakland, claiming copyright infringement and confusion.
“This new name will cause confusion and chaos for travelers, which will damage the travel industry for the entire region,” said SFO City Attorney David Chiu.
Oakland disagrees.
“The Port disputes that the new name will create confusion with consumers as passengers booking flights into the region—like travelers to other major metropolitan areas throughout the world—will understand that the San Francisco Bay Area can contain more than one airport,” according to OAK’s lawsuit.
What do you think of San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport’s new name?

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