Easing into 2019 by catching up on some newsy item.
Last week United Airlines announced it was bringing back the sweet stroopwaffel on flights.
Besides being a nice sweet snack to have with a cup of coffee, the stroopwafel offers passengers something to do: United tells passengers to warm up the stroopwafel by taking it out of the package and setting it on top of their coffee.

On New Year’s eve, Las Vegas McCarran International Airport offered travelers a silent disco in the bag claim area.
Had we known this was on the agenda, the airport disco would have made our list of Best Airport Amenities of 2018.
Going forward, the folks at 10Best have teamed up with Airport Experience News (AXN) to ask travelers to weigh in on some of the best airport amenites in North America.
Categories include Best Airport Bar, Best Airport for Dining, Best Airport for Shopping, Best Airport for Local/Regional Dining – and more.
Cast your vote – once a day through January 28 – here.
Here at StuckatTheAirport.com we have some favorite airports and airport amenities, but we’re always on the lookout for airport offerings that are brand new.
What amenities do you hope to see at airports in 2019? Let us know!
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