If you fly a lot you sit a lot. If you work at a desk, you likely sit a lot too.
And if you sit a lot you increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, back pain and other things that are bad for your health.
That’s why standing – and moving around – whenever you can during a travel day is a good thing.
And that’s why the new business center in Terminal C at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport is a such a welcome amenity.

Sponsored by Varidesk, the stand-up desk company, the business center is a co-working space that has standing desks, meeting tables, power hubs, and a small conference space.

Many airports now have tall tables with power ports in many gate areas. And there are areas in many airport cafes where you can set yourself up to work, or just catch up on email, while standing. But this Varidesk co-working space just makes it look very cool.

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