Airports around the country are getting ready to welcome holiday travelers (including Santa and the elves) with special events, giveaways, decorations, music and fun activities.
Here’s what’s on tap at just a few airports. We’ll do another round-up in a few days.
On Thursday, December 3, Fresno Yosemite International Airport is having an open house to show off this year’s holiday-themed display.
The “Gingerbread Winter Wonderland” has a gingerbread village featuring landmarks from around the world such as the Eiffel Tower and the St Petersburg Cathedral and Fresno landmarks such as the Water Tower and the downtown historic Armenian Church.
For its Holiday Open House on Saturday, December 12, Pittsburgh International Airport will once again be allowing the general public to go past the security checkpoints for shopping and dining in the airport.
Walk-up registrations will be allowed, but those who register ahead of time will get expedited checkpoint access and be able to take advantage of free parking, in-store specials, live music and a visit from Santa.
And Santa is already on duty at Philadelphia International Airport. Carolers begin their rounds at PHL later this week. Free gift wrapping and a gift-with-purchase offer is also available.
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