Fresh airport art exhibits

Stuck at the airport? Lucky you! In these and many other airports, you’ll get to see some great art.

STL MUSIC exhibit 1

Lambert-St. Louis International Airport has a new art exhibit featuring wind instruments from the Sheldon Art Galleries through December 13, 2015 in the Lambert Gallery.


On view: beautiful and exotic wind instruments from Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, South America, and Central and North America, which are a part of The Sheldon’s Hartenberger 2,500 piece World Music Collection.


At Austin-Berstrom International Airport there’s a new exhibit featuring beadworkd from the Austin Bead Society.

Graphic Explosion by Nancy Vaughn

Graphic Explosion by Nancy Vaughn

 Waters Edge by Robynne Simons Sealy

Waters Edge by Robynne Simons Sealy

And in the Terminal C-D link, Philadelphia International Airport is commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the start of its commercial air service with a new exhibit looking back at the airport’s transformation into a major hub airport.

PHL art history

Kenneth Aston, Philadelphia International Airport.

PHL old

courtesy Philadelphia International Airport


courtesy Philadelphia International Airport

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