This should be fun:
At the end of January, Seattle’s Museum of Flight will open up the clothes closet again for a fresh new exhibit of vintage flight attendant uniforms and airline memorabilia.
‘Most of the uniforms on display in the exhibit are from the flamboyant 1960s and 1970s. The collection includes creations by Parisian designer Jean Louis, Italian designer Emilio Pucci, and Hollywood designer Oleg Cassini. Trans World Airlines, Western Airlines and Braniff International represent a few of the airlines that flew the groovy garb featured in the exhibit. Rare articles also include a 1936 United Air Lines uniform, and a 1945 Northwest Airlines ensemble accented with a mink stole.”
The Museum of Flight had a similar exhibit back in 2008 that included “stewardess” uniforms ranging from “nurse togs” from the 1930s to the fab fashions from the 1960s and 1970s. So many flight attendants who visited that first exhibit Donated memorabilia and uniforms they’d saved that the museum decided to expand and bring back the display.
Style in the Aisle will be at Seattle’s Museum of Flight (a short bus or taxi-ride runs from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport) from January 29 through May 30, 2011.
Check back soon for a slide-show featuring more fashions from the exhibit.
All photos courtesy the Museum of Flight
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