Here’s an unusual airport event that sure to be cheesy, but fun. And it will help out a good cause.
The Food & Shops at LaGuardia Airport and the Famous Famiglia pizza company are hosting a Pizza Eating Contest at New York’s LaGuardia airport next Thursday, November 19, 2009 at noon on the lower level of the Central Terminal.
Contestants will be six specially-chosen airport employees vying to win cash prizes topping out at $1,000.
No matter the winner, the contest will generate a contribution of $1,000 for City Harvest, New York City’s food rescue organization. There will also be a canned food drive going on that day at the airport.
So if you’re traveling through LGA next Thursday, go cheer those folks on.
And if you travel through LGA a lot, sign-up for the e-mail newsletter sent out by the Food & Shops at LaGuardia’s Central Terminal Building. The holidays are coming right up and they usually have some great discounts and specials.
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