A great tip for staying sane while traveling is to have a book – a long, interesting, forget-about-time book – stashed in your carry-on.
The next best thing: a magazine on a topic you love – science, fashion, golf, celebrity gossip, or maybe even fish.
If you buy a pile of magazines at the airport instead of taking that stash of unread issues from home, it can get sort of pricey. So it’s nice to know that HMS host outlets offer the MagazinePlus Frequent Purchase Program. Get a punch card, buy 6 magazines, get the 7th free.
All HMSHost Retail newsstands across the United States and Canada participate in the program, including CNN Newsstands, News Connection and Fox News.
Every little bit helps.
Of course another great way to save on reading matter at the airport is to adopt castoffs. Look around gate areas after a plane has loaded – or check the seats and seat back pockets as you exit your next flight.
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