Tomorrow, Saturday Nov 15th, is America Recycles Day – a day dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and purchase recycled products.
The folks at Kansas City International Airport (MCI) are already celebrating. Today they’ll be handing out discount coupons from The Paradies Shops and HMS Host airport concessions to reward customers “caught” recycling in the designated bins in the terminals.
Some airlines are getting into recycling as well. According ot the Delta Air Lines blog, since January Delta’s In-Flight Recycling program has collected more than 500,000 pounds of plastics, paper and aluminum. The program operates on flights into ABQ, ATL, BWI, ORD, CVG, CLE, DEN, RSW, FLL, LAX, MIA, JFK, LGA, PDX, RDU, SMF, SLC, SFO, SEA, TPA and DCA and this past September, airline employees used proceeds from the program to help construct a home Habitat for Humanity Home
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