It’s Souvenir Sunday! And it’s the traditional day to unpack and look over the fun, inexpensive souvenirs we’ve picked up at airports.
This week: McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas (LAS). Add a hotel and those guys trying to press nightclub advertisement cards into your hands and you’ve pretty much got the whole city experience right here. There are bars, slot machines, drunk guys arguing over who knows what, a fitness club, free wireless Internet access, and several oxygen bars where you can try to do something about that hangover.
There are also plenty of places to shop for inexpensive gee-gaws to remind you of your trip, including fuzzy dice in all colors,
Tiny cardboard slot machines filled with chocolate coins,
And, my all-time favorite:gummi poker chips.
Inedible, I’m sure, but tacky enough to get my vote for this week’s Souvenir Sunday pick.
Did you find a great, under $10, “of” the city souvenir last time you were stuck at the airport?
If so, please snap a photo and send it along. It may show up on a future edition of Souvenir Sunday.
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