traveling with marijuana

Happy New Year!

Here’s to safe travels – and lots of adventures – in the New Year.

Before we turn the page, here are some links to some of the airport and travel-related stories I had fun working on this past year.

With more states legalizing pot in 2018, I tackled the topic of flying with marijuana.

With United Airlines, I traveled to Bogota, Columbia to follow Mother’s Day Roses from the farm, onto the airplane and through customs at George Bush Interncontinental Airport.

I spent a day at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport following the journey a checked bag takes once it is checked in at the counter.

And I visited Portland International Airport and talked with airports around the country for a story on the uninvited wildlife – from worms to whales – that shows up at airport, and what airport wilfdife teams do to keep animals away.

Courtesy USDA Wildlife Services
Courtesy Port of Portland

I also tracked down the first airport hotel and put together a short history of airport hotels. 

Restaurant that once served the Oakland Airport Inn. Courtesy Port of Oakland

Suggestions for topics to tackle in the 2019 always welcome!